Our robust and flexible data acquisition platform captures and monitors critical instrumentation data from your flight test article with real-time data logging and retrieval. Configurable data channels, alarms, and displays let you monitor test progress, and a full SQL database of measurements allows post-test data analysis.
Thermal data acquisition system highlights
Dynavac’s thermal data acquisition system (TDAS) provides real-time temperature display, alarming, and process data recording from the flight hardware. Its robust design platform supports various testing parameters, acquiring test article signals, and collecting telemetry data.
- Modular, rack-mounted system supports any number of thermocouple channels
- Multiple data logging and alarm configurations
- Configure, display, and log virtual channels
- Interactive screens show the test article with up to 40 channels per image
- Microsoft SQL database stores all test data
Download the TDAS product sheet for additional information or contact us to arrange a demonstration via a webinar. [Might not need this if we have the TDAS product sheet below under “resources”