Creating the environment for your mission success

Complete space simulation systems

Dynavac is a world leader in thermal vacuum systems to simulate the harsh conditions of space. As a long time trusted partner of aerospace companies, we support all aspects of flight testing and space simulation from hardware space qualification to bakeout, from smallsats to large satellites to manned space capsules

Thermal Vacuum Chambers

Turnkey standard or fully custom systems at all sizes

Electric Propulsion Test

Thermal vacuum chambers to develop, test, and qualify electric thrusters

Vacuum Bakeout

Remove volatiles and contaminents in preparation for flight

Environmental chambers

Test and qualify hardware to the edges of space

Support equipment and components

Dynavac’s full array of equipment and components covers your flight hardware testing needs: market leading controls, thermal hardware including heat flux cages and cold plates, data acquisition, and a large selection of accessories.

Thermal control

Cold plates

Controls and HMI

Heat flux cages

Data Acquisition



We offer the full range of services to support your space simulation systems and your test needs.  As part of Weiss Technik, we have a highly-trained and responsive worldwide service network, and offer support at your facility and at our factories in Hingham MA and Paris France.



Upgrades and retrofits

Get the most value from installed chambers as new missions and new test requirements emerge. Dynavac upgrade programs bring existing chambers up to state of the art performance whether replacing aging components or undertaking a complete overhaul.
